Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Emily Jones

Dr Ellie Cannon leads FaceUp2It Panel to boost self-esteem and confidence

- Skin:Genius hosts mental wellbeing and anti-bullying support event- Talks, Q&A and networking bring support to people living with skin conditions- In-person and online...

Medics demand: “Make poverty your first priority Prime Minister”

“Make feeding the poor and heating the frail your first real task in office.” That’s the plea from a group of senior medics who...

Shocking Effects Of Mould Exposure On Your Health

Have you spotted small dark patches of a fuzzy substance in your bathroom? Chances are, you are looking at patches of mould which have...

Marios Politis: Parkinson’s Disease Charities in Focus

Marios Politis is a Professor of Neurology who has collaborated with the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, the Parkinson’s Foundation (USA) and...

How to stay fit without having time for the gym

It's common for most people to be live a busy life. Between work, family commitments, and social commitments, there never seems to be enough...

The Best Way to Feel Good This Summer

Summer brings an innholder of worries for everyone. The stress of vacationing from social media, enjoying every second of the sun, and looking good...

Can You Use Maca Root and Ashwagandha Concurrently?

The maca root and ashwagandha are two notable medicinal herbs with long records of traditional use. Although they arrive from different regions of the...

Effects of Board Games on Mental Health

Society members are ditching tablets, phones, computers, and TV screens in favour of the convenience of tabletop board games, at least periodically. Unclogging for...