Diabetes is a long-term health problem affecting how the body converts what you eat into energy. If you have this condition, your body cannot process and utilise glucose from what you eat. While various kinds of diabetes may stem from different factors, the common issue they share is an excess of glucose in the bloodstream. Glucose is an essential energy source for muscle and tissue cells. Additionally, it is the primary fuel supplier of the brain. When the blood has excessive sugar, it can result in various health issues. Treating diabetes includes taking medications together with insulin.
There is no definite cause behind most kinds of diabetes. Nevertheless, all cases show increased sugar in the bloodstream as the pancreas does not generate enough insulin. Type 1 and 2 diabetes could result from environmental or genetic factors, though it is still unknown what they could be.
The complications of long-term diabetes develop slowly. The longer a person has this condition, where blood sugar is not under control, it increases the chances of developing complications that can incapacitate them or result in more serious, life-threatening health conditions. For instance, prediabetes may eventually result in type 2 diabetes. However, healthy lifestyle changes can also help prevent some kinds of diabetes. While medical treatments have a primary role in managing diabetes, it is just as necessary to examine your daily habits and pay more attention to developing those that can help maintain healthier blood sugar levels.
Take extra care of your skin
Diabetes can cause the skin to get dry, itchy, and more prone to cracks. When this happens, germs can quickly penetrate the skin and increase the chances of developing infections. Additionally, diabetics may also cause neuropathy, numbing the fingers and the toes, making it more difficult to detect wounds or sores. Diabetes may impact the blood vessels, making it more difficult to fight infections. Thus, it is crucial to develop healthy skin habits, such as ensuring that every area of the body is dry after a bath and applying a moisturiser to keep the skin hydrated. It is especially important to take care of your feet and be extra careful about fungal nail infections. On the onset, go for fungal nail treatment as soon as possible to prevent the infection from worsening and increasing the risk of bacteria entering the skin.
Eat healthier
Eating healthy is probably one of the most fundamental ways to manage diabetes better. In addition, managing your blood glucose becomes simpler when you maintain a healthy diet, as the food you consume can quickly affect blood glucose levels. This is because most of what you eat is converted to glucose (a type of sugar) that goes into your bloodstream. Therefore, choosing to eat certain types of food that can increase blood glucose levels and keep it high for a long time leads to health problems. Instead, make healthier choices with what you eat to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Additionally, eating healthy helps you lose weight, which can also help in managing your blood glucose.
Get enough sleep
With countless activities daily, getting a good night’s rest may not be something we all enjoy. However, lack of sleep can lead to serious health conditions such as heart problems, depression, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Sleep is even more vital for people with diabetes as the lack of it can impact all aspects of diabetes management, from insulin response to food choices. It also affects mental health, lowering mood levels and keeping you from functioning optimally throughout the day. Additionally, It can increase your resistance to insulin, make you feel hungrier the following day and make you eat more unhealthy food. These will keep you from losing weight, increase your blood pressure, and weaken your immune system. Besides helping manage diabetes better, having enough sleep increases energy levels and enhances your state of mind.
Exercise regularly
Physical activity benefits people with diabetes as it improves their insulin sensitivity. It also helps burn unwanted calories that may contribute to losing weight when coupled with healthy eating habits. In addition, when you exercise and lose weight, your chances of developing diabetes complications such as high cholesterol and hypertension are significantly reduced.
These healthy lifestyle changes can help you manage your diabetes and live a happy and productive life.